Friday, September 12, 2014

Family Album

Here are some old photos that I scanned.

My father, Amos Drinnon, with a couple of his sisters.

Someone scribbled on his brother at the right.

Us kids over at Grandma's house. Dale is at left, I'm the one with the dog, Dinah is behind me, Dane is next to me, and Linda is next to him.

The dog is named Tippy, and the Teddy Bear was named Albert.

Dinah, Linda, and Mom at the zoo.


 Linda and Dane at the zoo.


Linda, Dane, Dinah, and Mom at the zoo.

 Me, Dinah, Dale, Linda, and Dane at the zoo.

The zoo pictures were taken by Aunt Rosy, and I don't seem to be in very many of them.

Aunt Rosy at left, with cousin Vicki, aunt Martha, cousin Debby, aunt Nancy, Linda, Dinah, aunt Esther, cousin Carol, Grandma, and cousin Joy.

School picture of me.



  1. Hi, My husband served with Dane Drinnon at Fort Polk, LA. I found pics of him in a pile of military photos. My husband wanted to locate Dane and in searching, we found an obituary and this blog. Can you let me know if Dane Drinnon in these pics is the same one that served first in the Marines and later in the Army?

    Thank you,

    Sherri Mangum and Matthew Mutarelli
