Saturday, June 13, 2020

Submarine Massacres And The Shadow


Who knows what massacres were committed by the submarines? The Shadow knows!

Mark Felton production tells the story of a German World War II submarine that torpedoed a ship and machine-gunned the survivors, labeling it as the only incident of it's kind and claiming that this type of story is a myth 

A myth is something that is known to be untrue. If a thing is known to have happened, it cannot be a myth. If a thing happened less often then has been said it would be more accurate to say that it's occurrence has been exaggerated. But there was another German submarine captain alleged to have done the same thing* who wasn't alive after the war to be put on trial, so it isn't certain that there was only one such incident in the war.

Actually stories of this type date back to the first World War and the business was used in an episode of  The Shadow radio show, which had a pirate submarine that torpedoed ships and machine-gunned everyone afterward. This program first aired Oct. 3, 1937.

The cover of a recent reissue using a cover from The Shadow magazine.

*Gerhard Matschulat.

Death From The Deep:

Heinz-Wilhelm Eck:

World War I Submarine Massacre:

U- 247 - Alleged German Submarine Massacre:


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