Saturday, July 13, 2013

First Fanny Zilch ( THE BANKER'S DAUGHTER )

The first Fanny Zilch cartoon was THE BANKER'S DAUGHTER, which was made in 1933. The character of Fanny Zilch was originally blonde,

although in the other cartoon which I had on the blog before ( THE SAWMILL MYSTERY ), she  was a brunette.

The character also seems to have been simplified somewhat and looks as if an effort was made to make her less sexy as she is more fully clothed in addition to being less shapely. This parallels what was done with Betty Boop in the later part of the thirties.

The Fanny Zilch cartoons were done as parodies of the old melodramas, something that had been done in silent movies and in comic strips such as HAIRBREADTH HARRY and DESPERATE DESMOND. The same formula was also used in the Betty Boop series, but actually another cartoon had been made with a Betty Boop voiced character ( outside of that series ) that predated Fanny Zilch, PENCIL MANIA.

Eventually Terrytoons would return to the formula in the Mighty Mouse cartoons, with Pearl Pureheart in place of Fanny Zilch, Mighty Mouse in place of Stongheart, and a cat named Oilcan Harry in place of the original villain.


Fanny Zilch:

Mighty Mouse:



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