Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Blonde Bomber In The Rocket Plane Mystery

"The Blonde Bomber" was a variation  on "The Blonde Bombshell", a term that had originally been applied to Jean Harlow. "The Blonde Bomber" was used as a nickname for Carole Landis, but it was also the name of a comic book character.

This particular story was originally published in ALL-NEW COMICS in 1943.

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Rocket planes were common in the comics in this period and there were actually some experimental ones in real life, although jet propelled aircraft would not become common until after the war. 
And here we have a rocket to cut out and paste together from SCIENCE COMICS. It looks like the other rockets that they had in that particular comic book, and it also looks something like the rockets they had in the Flash Gordon serials at the time.


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