Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Count Obomula

Obama's real life horror story continues.

Reblogged from

On Monday evening, NBC News reported that President Obama wasn't just wrong, he was willfully lying when he said that if Americans liked their insurance plans, they could keep them under Obamacare. "(T)he administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them," NBC News reported. To clarify, that's some 7 to 11 million Americans.

The administration, NBC News said, had known all of this since 2010. Even as President Obama repeatedly told the American people that nobody had to lose their insurance, he recognized that millions would lose their insurance. But just as importantly, the Obama-defending media knew all of this years before the 2012 election ... and they downplayed it or ignored it altogether. In June 2012, PolitiFact, a supposed nonpartisan fact-checking site, said that Obama's "if you like your health plan, you can keep it" language was "half-true." The media routinely ignored President Obama's provably false promise.

That always seems to be the case with the media, which ignored the Internal Revenue Service scandal, Obamacare lies, Benghazi, and the failing economy to boost Obama back to power. And now, the coverup continues -- a "60 Minutes" feature on Benghazi this week failed to mention either President Obama or then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. No wonder our power-hungry president thinks he can get away with anything. To this point, he has.

Ben Shapiro


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