Monday, October 21, 2013


Golden Girl's costume was a different color in MARVEL MYSTERY than it was in CAPTAIN AMERICA. 

 The brunette in this story looks the same as the more or less standard villainess they had in other stories at the time, including the one that introduced Golden Girl ( CA #66 ).

 Captain America and Golden Girl are both teachers at the Lee School in their secret identities. The school is named "Lee" after Stan Lee, who was already working for Marvel Comics at the time.



Steve Rogers and Betsy Ross switch right in front of each other. I'm not sure if they just drew the scene without thinking about that, or if it was supposed to look dirty.  




 The implication that the nitroglycerin in the medicine exploded.


The Granny in this story is a sort of an Aunt Mae prototype.

The Aunt Mae character later becoming important in SPIDER-MAN stories.


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