Sunday, December 22, 2013

An Obamacare Xmas Pt. I

Here we have another Christmas special, or at least something vaguely related to Christmas.

Obamacare  is brought to you by the people who are trying to rip you off.

 Reblogged from

The snowflakes were falling on Washington, D.C.
People were setting up their Christmas trees.
The chestnuts were roasting in Farragut Square,
With just a touch of magic in the silvery air.
But one man was unmoved by this Christmas drama.
Our 44th president, a grinch named Obama.
Looking out from the Oval Office, he took a grim view
As he surveyed the scene on Pennsylvania Avenue:
“Look at them out there,” he said to Sebelius.
“Ringing Christmas bells and singing old songs melodious.
But while they’re all caroling ‘O Holy Night,’
They’re badly neglecting my health care website.

“I gave them reform—they’ve been asking for years.
I pushed it through Congress, over Republicans’ fears.
They said ‘It’s a mistake. We are loath to begin it.’
But Pelosi said, ‘Pass it and then see what’s in it.’
“We Democrats passed it right down party lines.
They’ll all pay fair shares or else face hefty fines.
Republicans whined it’s ‘not how lawmaking’s done!’
To which we responded, ‘Get over it. We won.’
“The Supreme Court endorsed it, a ruling of note,
When Chief Justice Roberts cast the deciding vote.
I’m thankful his Commerce Clause interpretation was lax—
It isn’t a mandate, it’s only a tax!
“I had to make sure that the website worked well,
So I hired an old classmate of my wife, Michelle.
We spent $600 million and it took us three years,
But when the launch date came there was nothing but tears.
“Malfunctions were legion with crash after crash.
We were gonna need more of the taxpayers’ cash.
How much? We’re not telling! But no need to fret.
The law will be great, on that you can bet!

“In the meantime, with things all a tatter,
I held a press conference to quell all the chatter.
I gave a phone number, surely that would do,
But wouldn’t you know, they couldn’t get through.
“Now Congress and their staffs view the law with contempt,
But they’ll quiet down soon, ’cause they’ll all be exempt!
The gift of waivers I gave to businesses and friends.
With executive powers like mine, there’s really no end.
“Ted Cruz tried to stop it with all he could muster.
Why, he even held an old-fashioned talking filibuster.
He shouted ‘defund!’ for 21 hours,
But it didn’t take long for his fellow Republicans to cower.

Read more:

To be continued...


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