Monday, March 10, 2014

Moronica - THE KILROYS 23, 24, 25

Moronica's adventures return to THE KILLROYS in 1950. Here are the Moronica stories from issues 23, 24, and 25.

The Moronica series began at the American Comics Group, went to Better/Standard/Nedor/Pines, and then returned to the ACG. But it seems it was all the same company. You can read about it in ALTER EGO 61, a preview of which can be seen at









 Jack Benny was a popular comedian at the time. His act centered around his supposedly being a rich miser.

Dog food again. This was something that was in the Milt Gross version.


 This story is also like the last one, where a woman ate a dog biscuit and then acted like a dog.


 This one is sort of like Starlet O'Hara.


Note the title of the comic book Moronica is reading. 




Evelyn and her magic violin:

Jack Benny:


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