Wednesday, April 23, 2014


ADVENTURES INTO THE UNKNOWN was the earliest continuously published horror comic book. The earlier issues that are in public domain are available at Comic Book Plus. Issue #51 was originally published in January 1954.

3-D movies were popular in the 1950's, and 3-D comic books also sold well for a time. Usually these required 3-D glasses, but this story used a dispensed with the glasses and achieved a 3-D effect by a combination of perspective effects and the use of bright colors in front of a dark background.

This story has a horror comic book editor in it, but he isn't supposed to be real-life editor Richard Hughes, who appeared in a couple of other stories published by the American Comics Group. "Gilda" appears to be Rita Hayworth, who played a character of that name in a movie of the same name.








RED RYDER was a popular comic strip at the time. A line of BB guns was named after him, and he appeared in ads for them.

GILDA ( Rita Hayworth movie ):

Rita Hayworth:


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